Best Ways to Improve Your Writing With ChatGPT

Best Ways to Improve Your Writing With ChatGPT

The best way to improve your writing with ChatGPT is to craft compelling and engaging drafts, generate good prompts, polish and refine your grammar, eliminate plagiarism, and perform proper checks and general proofreading. Most of these tasks can be accomplished using

Imagine a brilliant scientist whose groundbreaking discoveries could transform the world, yet their inability to articulate their ideas effectively hinders their progress. The scientist's research remains confined to obscure journals, reducing its potential impact on society. With its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and answer questions informatively, ChatGPT holds immense potential for writers of all levels.While ChatGPT excels in generating creative text formats and answering diverse questions, emerges as a specialized tool specifically designed to enhance writing skills. This powerful extension seamlessly integrates with ChatGPT, empowering writers to polish their prose, eliminate grammatical errors, and detect plagiarism. serves as a valuable writing companion, providing real-time feedback and guidance to elevate writing to new heights.In this article, we explain how to improve your writing with ChatGPT. Let's go!

Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Writing With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is not merely a text generator; it is a powerful AI tool capable of generating high-quality text, translating languages, and providing informative answers to questions. The versatility of this AI-powered tool empowers writers to overcome a wide range of challenges they face while writing and helps them unlock new possibilities in their writing journey. Below is a step-by-step guide showing you how to improve your writing skills with ChatGPT.


Writer's block, the dreaded nemesis of writers, often stifles creativity and hinders progress. ChatGPT is a powerful brainstorming tool that generates fresh ideas, explores diverse perspectives, and ignites the spark of creativity. ChatGPT can help you overcome the initial hurdle and set the stage for compelling and original work by providing prompts, outlines, or even initial drafts. Here's how it works:

Prompt ChatGPT to respond like your readers.

When you write, you must put yourself in your readers' shoes by asking yourself questions that a reader would generally ask and then providing answers. But in this case, ChatGPT does everything for you just by prompting it to do so. If, for example, you are writing about a food product, you can gain insights by asking ChatGPT to respond like a consumer and get ideas on what will appeal to your reader.

By asking it to employ analogies and metaphors

Analogies and metaphors are powerful tools for generating unexplored ideas and comprehending complex subjects. They offer a refreshing perspective on the topic at hand. For instance, ChatGPT can provide a metaphor to elucidate and enhance your understanding if you struggle to grasp a complex concept.Analogies and metaphors allow us to draw parallels and identify commonalities by comparing two seemingly unrelated concepts, giving a deeper understanding of the topic. They enable us to break down complex ideas into more manageable chunks, making them less intimidating and more accessible.Moreover, analogies and metaphors stimulate creativity by sparking new connections and associations. They foster a mindset that embraces unconventional thinking and encourages the exploration of alternative approaches.

Asking ChatGPT to generate keywords

While traditional keyword research methods often involve manual exploration and analysis, ChatGPT can generate ranking keywords with remarkable efficiency and accuracy. ChatGPT's ability to process vast amounts of text and extract meaningful patterns allows it to identify relevant keywords that align with a content piece's specific topic and intent. ChatGPT can identify emerging trends and suggest niche keywords that traditional methods may overlook.


Once you ignite the creative spark, ChatGPT can assist you in shaping the ideas you have created into coherent and engaging content, helping you with drafting. ChatGPT can provide the initial framework for your essays, articles, or creative fiction. ChatGPT can also suggest alternative phrasing, synonyms, and sentence structures, improving the overall quality and flow of the draft.

Asking ChatGPT to create a content outline

An outline is the backbone of any effective piece of writing. This is because it provides a roadmap for organizing thoughts, allowing logical flow, and preventing writer's block. Using ChatGPT to achieve this can help improve your drafts because it is home to a wide range of information. Hence, it can outline essential sections for content. You can then follow the outline to create quality content.

Asking ChatGPT to refine your drafts

Crafting an initial draft is just the first step in creating a masterpiece. The true brilliance of a piece comes from the meticulous refinement process, in which every word is carefully scrutinized and polished to perfection. Using ChatGPT to paste the "finished" draft in the message box, you can gain valuable insights into your writing, such as the tone you employed.

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the writing process.

As a writer, when you near the final stages of your work, you must carefully examine the text through proofreading and editing. This ensures that any remaining errors or inconsistencies are addressed. Identifying grammar and punctuation mistakes and inconsistencies in style and tone is crucial in producing a polished and professional final product that is free from flaws. Additionally, consider utilizing an AI-powered tool like, which can assist in thorough proofreading and editing.While ChatGPT is an incredible tool for writing, is a specialized tool that utilizes the power of the ChatGPT language model. It is designed to improve writing skills by providing proofreading and editing services for texts or content. empowers writers of all skill levels to refine their content, eliminate grammatical errors, identify the tone of their writing, and simplify the writing process

Apart from these, ChatGPT can help you with:

  1. Summarizing: ChatGPT helps you condense complex information into concise summaries by highlighting key points and improving your focus.
  2. Paraphrasing: ChatGPT aids in rephrasing text in your own words while preserving the original meaning, suggesting alternative phrasings for clarity and coherence.
  3. Synthesis: ChatGPT guides you in combining information from multiple sources to create original arguments or narratives, providing guidance on proper source attribution.
  4. Storytelling: ChatGPT offers guidance on structuring compelling stories, developing engaging characters, and crafting tension and conflict.
  5. Active Voice: ChatGPT identifies and revises passive voice constructions, providing insights into practical active voice usage for clarity and engagement.
  6. Dialogue: ChatGPT crafts realistic and engaging conversations between characters, advancing the plot and immersing readers.
  7. Symbolism: ChatGPT generates symbols representing abstract themes and ideas, deepening the narrative's significance.
  8. Tone: ChatGPT identifies and adjusts your writing style to match your audience and subject matter.
  9. Transitions: ChatGPT guides you in using adequate transition words and phrases to connect ideas and paragraphs seamlessly.

Features of

Here are the features of this writing tool:

Grammar Checking

Grammatical accuracy enhances the clarity and professionalism of written text.'s comprehensive grammar-checking feature meticulously scrutinizes texts, identifying and correcting a wide range of grammatical errors, from subject-verb agreement to misplaced modifiers. This feature eliminates guesswork and ensures that writers adhere to established grammatical norms, enhancing the overall quality of their work.

Style suggestions and tone detection

In addition to grammar, offers style suggestions to assist writers in enhancing the clarity and flow of their writing. By analyzing the writer's style and the piece's context, enhances word choice, sentence structure, and overall tone to ensure the writing is aligned with the intended audience and purpose.It can make writing more academic, formal, or casual, ensuring it resonates with the intended readers. Furthermore, can edit CVs, condense writing, transform content into speeches, and convert text into lists, showcasing its versatility in adapting to various writing formats.

Tailor for Your Audience recognizes the importance of writing tailored to a specific audience and offers customization options to ensure that written work aligns with the target audience. It can customize cover letters for specific project manager positions, rewrite content for younger readers, and modify text for non-technical audiences, guaranteeing effective communication with the intended readers.The transformative potential of is evident in its wide range of real-world applications. Students can use it to improve the quality of their essays, research papers, and creative writing assignments, ensuring accuracy and maintaining originality. Professionals can use it to refine their business proposals, reports, and marketing materials, projecting a polished and professional image. Writers can use it to enhance their manuscripts, novels, and blog posts, ensuring their writing connects with readers and leaves a lasting impression.

Pricing Structure

The platform adopts a tiered pricing structure that caters to the diverse needs of writers, offering a free Basic Editor and a premium Pro Editor subscription. This approach ensures that the tool remains accessible to all writers while providing value-added features for those who require more advanced capabilities.

Basic Editor

The Basic Editor is an entry point for writers seeking a powerful editing tool without incurring any cost. It provides access to comprehensive editing features, including the ability to view, accept, and reject changes, engage in iterative editing, and use improved API models that are inaccessible through ChatGPT. However, the Basic Editor limits each request to 1,000 words and restricts users to a maximum of 10,000 words monthly, ensuring that the tool focuses primarily on short-form writing tasks.

Pro Editor

For writers who require more extensive editing capabilities and higher usage limits, the Pro Editor subscription offers an array of premium features. It grants access to all the functionalities of the Basic Editor and the ability to save custom prompts, process up to 10,000 words per request, handle 300,000 words per month, make 300 advanced fine-tuned model attempts, and import and export Word documents. Additionally, the Pro Editor subscription promises the introduction of even more features in the future, assuring pro users that they are at the forefront of editing technology.


  • can integrate with the ChatGPT website
  • Powerful writing features
  • It can be translated into other languages.
  • Supplies prompts
  • It doesn't require a ChatGPT account.


  • Integrating with ChatGPT doesn't allow you to edit texts directly and is a bother if you want to resubmit aspects you don't like.
  • Translating into other languages is only possible if the input is in a specific language.

How to use

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use effectively for various writing tasks:

  1. Access Go to the website and create an account. This process will give you access to the Basic Editor and the option to upgrade to the Pro Editor subscription.

Go to the “Login” option on the top right.

Or scroll down to “sign up for free.”

  1. After clicking the button, you will log in to a page using your details.
  2. Next, you will arrive at a page where you can create a document.
  3. Craft Your Content: Compose your initial draft using your preferred writing platform or directly within the editGP app text box. Ensure your content is well-structured, grammatically sound, and conveys your intended message.
  4. Initiate the Editing Process: Copy and paste your content into the box or import it directly from a Word document. Select the appropriate editing mode, such as "proofread" or "improve," depending on your specific needs.
  5. Review and refine: After completing the editing process, carefully review the suggested edits. Accept the changes that enhance your writing and reject those that deviate from your intended style or message.
  6. Iterate and improve: The editing process is not a one-time event. Repeat steps 2-4 multiple times to refine your writing gradually and achieve the desired level of polish and accuracy.
  7. Once you have finished, you can copy the enhanced text and save the document.

Using on your browser extension

To utilize the extension seamlessly, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install: Install the extension from the Chrome or Firefox extension stores. Microsoft Edge users can also install the Chrome extension.
  2. Access Navigate to the ChatGPT website and prepare your text for editing.
  3. Compose your prompt: Construct a prompt incorporating the text you want to edit. For instance, type: "Proofread this: [insert your text here]."
  4. Activate Editing Mode: An 'Editing' button will appear in the menu bar at the bottom of the page. Click on this button to activate editing mode.
  5. Refine Your Text: Make the necessary edits to your text using the Accept and Reject buttons. You can also copy the final text to the clipboard, accepting all changes.
  6. Preserve Markup: To retain the markup when exporting to Microsoft Word, simply copy the text and paste it into the document.
  7. Toggle Editing Mode: Once satisfied with the edits, click the 'Editing Enabled' button again to deactivate editing mode.

Prompt Examples for Your Browser

These five prompts exemplify the varying degrees of editing intensity:

  1. Grammar-Focused Proofreading: "Proofread this but only fix grammar: “your text here”
  2. Clarity and Flow Enhancement: "Proofread this, lightly improving clarity and flow: 'your text here'"
  3. General Proofreading: "Proofread this: 'your text here'"
  4. Improve the clarity of the sentence "Clarity and flow." Refinement: "Proofread this, improving clarity and flow: 'your text here'"
  5. Significant Clarity and Flow Enhancement: "Proofread this, significantly improving clarity and flow: 'your text here'"

Other helpful, prompt examples include:

  1. Prose Enhancement: "Rewrite this, improving prose: 'your text here'"
  2. CV Bullet Point Proofreading (Formal Language): "Proofread these bullet points from my CV; keep it in CV language: 'your bullet points here.'"
  3. General Bullet Point Proofreading: "Proofread these bullet points: 'your bullet points here'"
  4. Incoherence Resolution: "Proofread this, improving any incoherent parts: 'your text here'"
  5. Minor Incoherence Correction: "Proofread this, improving any minor incoherent parts: 'your text here.'"
  6. Flow Optimization: "Could you help me improve my writing flow: 'your text here'?"
  7. Intensive Proofreading: "Proofread this strongly: 'your text here'"

Maximizing ChatGPT's Writing Enhancement Potential

To properly utilize ChatGPT to improve your writing skills, follow these steps:

  1. Define your objectives: Before engaging with ChatGPT, clearly articulate your desired outcome. Determine the specific writing issue you want to resolve or the question you seek to answer.
  2. Provide contextual input: To elicit the most effective responses from ChatGPT, furnish it with ample relevant information. This may include background details, contextual factors, and any other pertinent elements that can be utilized to convey your message effectively.
  3. Employ specific prompts: As mentioned earlier, formulate precise prompts to guide ChatGPT toward generating relevant and valuable responses.
  4. Critically evaluate outputs: Upon receiving a response from ChatGPT, meticulously assess its quality. Seek opportunities to refine and enhance your existing content based on the provided insights. Avoid simply incorporating the suggestions verbatim.
  5. Refine through iteration: Once you have evaluated ChatGPT's response, leverage your insights to refine and improve your writing. Repeat this process until you achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT, with its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and answer questions in an informative way, empowers writers to explore new creative avenues and expand their literary horizons. It can provide fresh ideas, suggest alternative phrasing, and generate initial drafts, sparking the creative ignition that often eludes, a specialized tool powered by ChatGPT, complements the creative process by ensuring grammatical accuracy, eliminating stylistic inconsistencies, and detecting tone. It serves as an attentive guardian of linguistic precision, ensuring that the writer's original voice and message remain intact while adhering to established standards.The true power of ChatGPT and lies in their seamless integration with the writer's creative process. They do not dictate or control the writing; they provide support, guidance, and a framework for human creativity to flourish. It is this harmonious blend of technology and human ingenuity that empowers writers to produce work that is both engaging and impactful.Thank you for reading!